Writing with All Tools Continuum
The Writing with All Tools Continuum v1.2.1 consists of a 35-point ordinal scale. It consists of qualitative writing levels from early emergent to conventional writing, up to Australian Curriculum Grade 4.
The continuum is designed to assess writing samples from developing writers who are using any writing tool, including handwriting, flip charts, or keyboards. It aims to assist you to monitor the small changes that students might make over time, and has a strong emphasis on the skills each individual needs to develop as they move to the next stage of writing, including functions of print, language, and form.
All levels of the Writing with All Tools Continuum are appropriate for students using any writing tool. All levels can be used for students using direct access e.g., pointing. Some levels need an alternative description for other forms of access, and this is provided as needed. These levels have additional letters after the descriptor, such as PAS (Partner Assisted Scanning).
Writing with All Tools Continuum v1.2.1 Documents
Writing with All Tools Continuum Webinar
In October 2022 I had the pleasure of conducting a webinar to provide more information about the Writing with All Tools Continuum. You can watch the recording and download the handout below.
Please note, both the recording and the handout use Version 1.0 of the continuum.